Upcoming Events We’ll Be Attending

Not only do we love hosting events, which we've been doing for nearly 13 years now, but we love attending them as well.

We're not unlike others in our community in that way.

And now that we're heading into summer we're looking ahead to see what piques our interest.

Check out the events below, and let us know of an upcoming open source related event you think others should know about at info@allthingsopen.org

June 7 (Monday)

Upstream 2021

A one day celebration of open source, the developers who use it, and the maintainers who make it.
Format: Virtual
Website: https://upstream.live/
Cost: Free

June 9 & 10 (Thursday & Friday)

GitOps Days

Whether you’ve been wanting to learn about GitOps for the first time or you want to take your GitOps knowledge to the next level, this event is for you!
Format: Virtual
Website: https://www.gitopsdays.com/
Cost: Free

June 15 & 16 (Thursday & Wednesday)

Red Hat Summit

Red Hat Summit® 2021 is where we come together to uplift perspectives in enterprise IT all around the world, ensuring that every contribution has a place, every person has a voice, and every question has a meaning.

Format: Virtual
Website: https://www.redhat.com/en/summit